Thousands of Seniors Have Trusted Us and So Should You

We offer aging-in-place, a specialized renovation service for seniors or individuals with mobility challenges to modify their homes for safety and comfort. With several years of industry experience, we ensure high-quality as well as on-budget renovation and offer turnkey solutions that are tailored to individual requirements.

Our recommended modifications may range from simple additions, such as grab bars and zero-threshold steps to more extensive changes, such as widening doorways and installing electric chairlifts. We collaborate with occupational therapists as well as health professionals to recommend the best modifications and renovations. It begins with specialized age-in-place experts assessing the house in question and proposing solutions that do not compromise esthetics.

We Help Simplify Senior Living

Our realistic three-dimensional renderings help you visualize the planned changes and you can even conveniently select materials from our award-winning design center. All work is carried out by vetted trade professionals with our clients receiving round-the-clock access to a password-protected dedicated portal for real-time updates and project documentation.

Our design center offers a one-stop solution for material selection, including kitchen modifications, custom cabinets, anti-slip flooring options, smart lighting solutions, and senior-friendly appliances. Hundreds of options are available to ensure a safe and functional kitchen environment for the aged. Call us now to schedule a no-obligation consultation at your convenience with any of our professionals!

Groundbreaking Solutions

Green energy and ecology theme design, vector illustration.
Energy Efficiency

Our expertise in crafting Net Zero ensures optimal energy efficiency, comfort, and resilience. Graduate to sustainable living with our highly innovative solutions.

Environmental Consciousness

We conscientiously incorporate non-hazardous building materials in our work to eradicate potential irritants along with promoting the overall well-being of our clients.

Smart Technology

We harness present-day technological solutions like the Internet of Things (IoT) and the like to help you seize opportunities aplenty for smooth home automation.

Universal Design Engineering Framework

Whether you are a homeowner or possess a commercial property, we guarantee to offer you the same kind of materials and services/solutions in terms of quality.

At Develeko, We Empower Your Home with a Decade of Confidence

Develeko stands behind its artisanship with a solid ten-year guarantee and complements the same with established supplier warranties for all materials. It has an extensive network of skilled professionals from major industries and offers a diverse array of financing schemes. Through its strategic partnerships with leading suppliers and renowned contractors, it helps secure the most competitive pricing for not only materials but also labor without compromising on quality.

What Our Clients Are Saying